J. E. Russell Produce Ltd.

J.E. Russell Produce was co-founded in 1977 by John Russell. The company presently occupies 4 stalls in the Ontario (Toronto) Food Terminal, Canada’s largest wholesale fruit and vegetable distribution centre. J.E. Russell Produce Ltd. distributes fresh fruits and vegetables to chain stores, independent retailers and food service distributors throughout Eastern Canada. The company is a recognized industry leader in several product categories, and enjoys distribution rights with some of the world’s finest growers & shippers.

Our products include: Apples, Avocadoes, Blackberries, Blueberries, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Celery, Cranberries, Cucumbers, Imported Fruits, Imported Vegetables, Kiwis, Lemons, Lettuce, Limes, Local Fruits, Local Vegetables, Mangoes, Mushrooms, Oranges, Organic Fruits, Organic Vegetables, Papayas, Pineapples, Potatoes, Prepared Salads, Raspberries, Strawberries, Tangerines